
Des Jours Heureux festival !

#DJH édition 2024 !!

September 23 to 29 at Hesdin (FR-62), in le parking de la salle du manège
September 30 to October 6 at Saint-Quentin (FR-02), sur le terrain de l’aventure

Des Jours Heureux is an itinerant circus festival, during which we install our living spaces for a week, in small towns in the Hauts-de-France region: we will set up our big top, organize workshops during the week and on weekend, organize performances of our shows and those of other artists, as well as concerts and lots of other surprises ! So come and try yourself on Cie De Snoep‘s acrobatic carousel, have a drink, a snack, a chat and share a piece of life with us!














#DJH - an itinerant festival in les Hauts-de-France

Des Jours Heureux is a tour, a series of meeting points between an artistic team and local residents. It means setting up in the heart of neighborhoods, small towns, rural or suburban areas, and reconnecting with all the convivial and extraordinary aspects of the arrival of a circus in a village square. It means going to people’s homes and sharing a piece of life with them, around a show, a workshop, an evening or a drink. Let the show be a pretext for encounters!

Des Jours Heureux means opening up a living, ephemeral space – a forum, a place for activities, meals and shows – around our big top. It means setting up for a week (or a little more) in a town that so wishes, and collaborating to propose a program that includes the installation of a circus space, shows, workshops, jam sessions, festive evenings… All in the greatest conviviality between residents, partners and the artistic team.

On the strength of our previous experience, we want to share the artistic creation of contemporary circus with populations who have few opportunities to attend big top theaters. We want to recreate partnerships between communities and companies.

After this first edition in 2024, we’d like to continue the experience every season, by establishing long-term links with certain municipalities, and develop a circus tour that can be shared with other companies.