
Face Nord – Female cast

The project

Standing in front of us, four women engage into playful acrobatic games in which they constantly invent the rules. Walking, running, catching, grabbing, climbing, climbing further, always moving forward…

«Knowing you will lose does not prevent from struggling», as these four acrobats tell us, obstinately obliging themselves to the feat and relishing each challenge, taking us together with their bodies to the limits of their physiological reality and at the edges of the laws of physics.

With a script written as rules of a game, Face Nord is an attempt to revive in (wo)mankind the playful innocence of a child, hence the origins and essential values of our acrobatic quest.

Face Nord had a premiere in 2011 with four men (Alexandre Fray, Frédéric Arsenault, Sergi Parés and Mika Lafforgue) and since then, has performed more than 250 times. By passing on this show to a female cast, Un loup pour l’homme wishes to see how this script, evoking struggle, resistance and sport imaginary, can evolve with four women’s bodies.

© Christophe Raynaud de Lage

© Christophe Raynaud de Lage

© Christophe Raynaud de Lage

Team and partners

With Sanna Kopra, Lotta Paavilainen (or Spela Vodeb), Stina Kopra and Mira Leonard

Artistic direction of the re-staging Alexandre Fray, Sergi Parés, Pierre Déaux

Original Creation 2011 by Fred Arsenault, Alexandre Fray, Pierre Déaux (with on stage:  Mika Lafforgue and Sergi Parés)

Dramaturgy Bauke Lievens

Sound design Jean-Damien Ratel

Light design Thierry Robert

Costumes Emmanuelle Grobet

Technical team Pierre-Jean Faggiani and Sylvain Mege

Administration & Tour management Caroline Cardoso and Lou Henry


Production Un Loup pour l’Homme

With financial support from DRAC Hauts-de-France, Conseil Régional Hauts-de-France and Mairie de Lille

And support from La Batoude Centre des Arts du Cirque et de la Rue Beauvais, La Central del Circ Barcelona,  Théâtre Jean Vilar Vitry-sur-Seine



Tour (2018-2020)

+ de dates